Early Education Program


For children ages 3 and 4 years old
Must be age 3 by July 31st
Must be potty trained

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The Goal of Early Childhood Education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn.

— Maria Montessori

We believe each child is unique.  Learning style, personality type and experiences are all aspects which contribute to learning. Therefore we strive to create a balance between structured classroom routine with teacher directed instruction and developmentally appropriate self selected learning activities.

Early Education Program Curriculum:

Through independent exploration, structured activities and hands-on learning, children will develop a variety of skills and knowledge.  Targeted learning goals include:

  • Language and Early Literacy

  • Early Math, Numbers, Problem Solving

  • Growth in Social Skills

  • Development of Fine Motor Skills

  • Growth in Communication Skills and Independence



Learning is an experience that should be exciting to students and can be done through many avenues. Each part of our day is filled with opportunities for each child to learn more about themselves, others and the world around them.

A Typical Day Includes

  • Circle time / Primary academics

  • Table Time /  Fine motor skills

  • Learning centers

  • Snack Time

  • Bible Curriculum & Activities

Art and music also play an important role in each days activities.

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It is our goal to create a positive learning environment where children are actively engaged in constructing meaning as they interact with materials, their environment and their peers.


We believe play is an essential part of learning. Play gives children the opportunity to develop a variety of skills including problem solving, gross and fine motor skills as well as important social skills. As children play they develop their creativity, learn cooperation and important verbal skills. Learning/Play centers are an important part of our day allowing each student to engage with others, find joy in learning and develop important life skills.

“Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play they learn how to learn.”

—Fred Donaldson